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About Sitejabber
What is Sitejabber?
How are business ratings calculated?
How are the top businesses in each category determined?
How does Sitejabber make money?
Reviews on Sitejabber
Do reviews ever get removed?
Can a business pay to remove bad reviews?
What types of content violate the Sitejabber review guidelines?
How does Sitejabber prevent fake reviews?
What is review fraud?
What is the Sitejabber Review Filter?
For reviewers
Using Sitejabber
How can I write a great review of a business online?
How can I find my friends’ reviews?
What are Contributor Levels?
How do I earn Contribution Points?
How can I update or edit my reviews?
How do I delete my Sitejabber profile?
Troubleshooting Reviews
I wrote a review that’s not showing up when I’m logged out. Why not?
A business is forcing me to remove my review. What should I do?
For Businesses
Your business listing
Why is my business listed on Sitejabber?
Can I have my business removed from Sitejabber?
Do I have to pay to manage my business on Sitejabber?
What can I do with a Sitejabber business account?
Managing ratings and reviews
What’s the best way to improve my business rating?
Can reputation management companies help improve Sitejabber ratings?
Can I ask my customers to submit reviews for my business?
Can I offer my customers something in exchange for a review?
What should I do if someone writes a negative review about my website?
Can I offer a reviewer something for them to remove their review?
What can I do if I believe a review is from a competitor, employee, or fake customer?
I can’t find one of the reviews of my business. What happened?
Many of the reviews I collected from my customers are not showing up. What happened?
I’m considering legal action against a reviewer and/or Sitejabber. What are the precedents?
Responding to reviews
Why should I respond to reviews?
How should I respond to a positive review?
How should I respond to a negative review?
Should I make my review responses public?
Can I say publicly that a review is completely false or unfair?