by Jabio
18 August 2023
7 min read

7 Tactics To Get More Online Reviews For Ecommerce

For ecommerce businesses, the importance of online reviews can’t be overstated. Nearly 70% of online shoppers read between one and six customer reviews before making their purchasing decision. And 94% of consumers say a bad review has convinced them to avoid a business. That’s why you need plenty of positive reviews that prove why people should buy from you.

But you might be struggling to accumulate enough consistent, recent reviews. Maybe your customers aren’t leaving reviews on their own and you feel awkward asking them. In this case, you may need to get a little more creative with how you collect ratings and reviews.

Here, you’ll find seven simple but effective tips that can help you get more online reviews to build your revenue and grow your ecommerce store. 

Why your ecommerce business needs reviews

Before we dive into these tried-and-true tactics, let’s reinforce exactly why reviews matter so much. Take a look at these data-backed reasons of how online reviews help:

  • Influence consumer trust. Positive online reviews help your brand credibility and image, encouraging people to trust you (aka, to purchase from you). Negative online reviews do the opposite.
  • Affect purchase decisions. Statistics show that 87% of consumers won’t consider a business with an average rating that’s below three stars. 38% of consumers expect a local business to have a minimum average of four stars for them to consider using it.
  • Boost SEO and search rankings. The higher your ecommerce store shows up in online search results, the more eyes you’ll get on your brand. Reviews can serve as a source of content to help lift you to the top.
  • Impact conversion rates. One study showed that when website visitors were shown customer reviews, ecommerce conversion rates increased by 67%.

Positive customer reviews can give your ecommerce store a much-needed boost. 

7 easy ways to boost reviews for your ecommerce business

The simplest way to get more online reviews is to just ask! More than half of customers will always or usually write a review if a business asks them — and the top reason why customers don’t review your business is simply because they forgot.

But we understand that approaching your customers and saying “Hey, want to give us five stars?” can feel a little icky. And platforms like Yelp and Google are cracking down on incentivized reviews. So here are seven other ways you can make the process more natural, for both your customers and for you. 

#1. Implement one-click review features

If the process of leaving a review isn’t simple or easy, your customers aren’t going to do it. Ensure maximum participation by making it as easy as possible to write a review. Try incorporating one-click reviews into your website. For example, offer an option to leave a star rating or a short comment directly on your product page. 

#2. Send post-purchase review requests

The best time to approach someone with a favor is when they’re happy with you — so, in an ecommerce context, right after they’ve ordered or received a product. Research shows the best time to make your ask is a couple of days after people get their item, or just after the average amount of time it takes your typical customer to leave a review.

Over half of consumers prefer to receive review requests via email. You can set up automated email review requests that are triggered to send after a shipment is delivered. Make sure the email includes a direct link to the review page, as well as any instructions necessary, to make the process easier for customers. 

#3. Leverage existing review platforms

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. If you’re looking for a third-party review website to strengthen your online presence, use one that already has a good reputation. Options include:

  • Google Business Profile
  • Yelp
  • Facebook
  • Sitejabber

In 2022, 87% of people used Google to research local businesses. 48% turned to Yelp, while 46% used Facebook. These are all great options to gain more reviews. 

You can claim your Google Business Profile listing and ask customers to leave you reviews on Google. Another great choice is Sitejabber. Boost your brand’s credibility by collecting reviews on Sitejabber, helping build trust and loyalty (and saving time by integrating Sitejabber with major ecommerce platforms).

#4. Ask for reviews through thank-you notes

Try sending a personal thank-you email to your customers, and in addition to thanking them, ask them to leave a review. This might sound like:

Hi [name],

Thanks so much for your consistent support of our store! It makes us smile to serve customers like you, and we hope you’re enjoying your recent purchases.

We’d appreciate you leaving a short review on our website about your experience. This helps us reach even more people. Just click here to write your review.

Thanks again for your business, and we hope to “see” you again soon!

Another option: Lead customers to a thank-you landing page on your website that includes a review request.

#5. Engage with customers on social media

As an ecommerce store, you’re likely active on social media as a way of increasing brand awareness, engagement, and website traffic. But have you ever considered sharing or asking for customer reviews on social media?

You can post a link for people to leave a review, or screenshot an already-posted review and make it into a graphic that’s shareable across your social accounts. Come up with a branded hashtag where these reviews can live. 

Even if you don’t use social media for a direct ask, engaging with your followers and customers can still help indirectly encourage reviews. Research shows that sharing experiences and gratitude drives the overwhelming majority of reviews.

#6. Show customers you care

People are more likely to willingly write a review if they feel confident that you’re going to see and incorporate their feedback. And the way to prove that you will is by responding to each review you get, whether it’s positive or negative.

Answer positive reviews with a short, genuine thank-you for the customer’s support. For negative reviews, respond as soon as possible, restating the customer’s complaint and then offering to take the conversation elsewhere to resolve the problem. 

In addition to responding to reviews (both on your website, and on third-party review sites), you can highlight reviews on your site by placing them in a highly visible spot on your product pages or homepage.

#7. Encourage video testimonials

Switch it up by inviting customers to submit their review in video format if they’d prefer. In fact, this might actually be better for you: Video reviews allow someone to express their passion and sincerity, and video content has a high conversion rate

Provide customers with clear guidelines on how to film and submit their videos (particularly if you’re partnering with a video testimonial service provider). You can include a link for video submissions in your emails or thank-you landing pages.

Get more ecommerce reviews

Customer reviews help your ecommerce business grow. If you aren’t seeing enough positive reviews, use these helpful tips to encourage your customers to start writing! 

One final helpful trick for ecommerce stores: Sign up for a free business account with Jabio by Sitejabber. Jabio is a third-party review and reputation management platform where you can collect, monitor, and distribute reviews. Click here to learn more about how Jabio can elevate your ecommerce business.

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