AdBlock Plus works in the best possible way: you don't even see it working. It sits silently by your browser's side and blocks any advertiser from tracking your data (such as your preferences and interests). But at the same time, it allows you to white-list and support any website that has non-intrusive ads and great content.
Date of experience: February 12, 2016
Adblock Plus Really works and does what it says on the box. As well as filtering out annoying adds it also consequently yet inadvertently saves on your date allowance by blocking largish images contained within the adds it blocks. Win, win in my book.
I see very few ads. I would definitely recommend this addon.
Date of experience: May 26, 2017
These days almost any browser will will include a built-in pop-up blocker. Even the best however will let pass ads that are not pop-ups and some pop-ups as well.
Free Adblock Plus will handle those persistent ads, and also comparably irritating social media buttons. A useful extra is its option for automatically correcting typos in your address bar, to spare you from visiting unwanted and possibly dangerous websites. It's currently available for the Firefox, Chrome, and Opera browsers.
Three hints:
1. For top usefulness, download Adblock Plus's Element Hiding Helper (also free).
2. You'll probably want to disable ABP's permission for "acceptable" ads, easily done.
3. No ad blocker will deal satisfactorily with the ever-changing display ads you'll often see down the right side of a page. For this annoyance I recommend another free utility, Clearly []. Clearly will work with Firefox and Chrome.
Date of experience: May 12, 2013
Absolutely Love This Free Software... NO more popups, NO flashing/moving ads (which cause me headaches, sometimes migraines), NO half page of ads before getting to the info you're looking for on a site... Doesn't take out email ads, but you can unsubscribe... almost a never ending battle. I have ABP for IE and Firefox... not sure which others you can download it for.
Date of experience: April 1, 2015
Runs great in default mode.
Active updates to various filter providers seems to work well.
YouTube & Bing distracting ads will disappear.
Date of experience: October 18, 2023
Just install the thing once and forget about what those annoying banners on every site look like. Completely free, easy to operate - I like it much!
Date of experience: February 10, 2017
It makes it so much easier to go on the internet without as many horrible unskippable ads! Thankyou so much for this it's so easy and useful
Date of experience: December 14, 2021
Adblock Plus is the most popular ad blocker available for Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Android and Internet Explorer. Block all annoying ads all over the web: remove video ads on YouTube, block Facebook ads, get rid of pop-ups and much more. On Goog...
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