Placed order on 26 june. No confirmation email. No reply from customer service but took money from my card. Already been 4 days now. What should i do next?

asked by T N. on 5/30/16

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user karend166

For anyone experiencing this issue- Take photos/screen shots of order and credit card info. You can call 905-266-4200 or 1-800-448-1796 or 1-855-823-4327 but dont expect anyone to answer. If they do explain your issue and get a case number- if you dont hear back from them call again give them your case number and ask to accelerate the issue to a supervisor- dont expect to hear from them but if you do and you don't get your purchase call your bank/credit card company and ask for the charges to be reversed. KEEP all your documentation - Adidas staff lie - you will have to prove contact with them. Good Luck

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Thumbnail of user jeffg81

Don't order from, tell everyone you know. Contact CC company and dispute the charge.

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