How to check if someone profile is not fake?

asked by vivita l. on 11/16/15

5 Answers
Thumbnail of user marcob160

99% are fake! When you engage with Badoo you expose yourself to fraud and rip off. Their "job" consists of making up fake profiles with stolen photos and reeling in gullible people. If you want dates and relationship, you may want to try This site has helped me and a friend of mine to meet many lovely women. My friend got married to one of them. I'm still undecided, but the site works.
Don't waste your money on Badoo. What they do is try to get your money without providing any real service. You pay for talking with bots. You are buried in auto-generated messages and there are no real people willing to meet.

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Thumbnail of user gajendrar

Hi stranger (don't know what ur name is:)
Lot off factors that can help you if someone's profile is not fake. Check the pictures closely. Is there a time lapse? Means do all pictures look diff. If yes means they are being picked up from Internet or someone's profile. Second if you are chatting with them then ask them to send u a picuture of them doing a certain action like for eg I wouldask u hey I want you to send me a pictures in which you are touching ur eyebrow or standing under a wall clock. If the profile is fake they won't send and come up with all diff excuses if they are genuine they will do it.
Rest you can always ask questions which are open ended and remember if some one is lying he won't be able to remember it for long if u ask him the same questions later. Rest it's upto ur wisdom

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Thumbnail of user lillm

Don't register with Badoo 80 % are just looking for sex! Be cautious! I entered into a relationship and he has a past for domestic violence. They are all player's on dating sites! Never happy with what they have, they say all the right things but full of bull$#*!ters and they all play mind games! Meet in a public place don't give personnel information - just be careful! Won't catch me on another dating site lol - Good Luck! Single is best lol

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Thumbnail of user dianeb67

This site is notorious for men overseas trying to scam American women. The profile might be real but it doesn't mean the person behind the profile is honest.

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Thumbnail of user kevs3

Theres supposed to be a two step verification process of submitting a mobile phone number and one of the following: Google account, Facebook, Twitter, Linked in and Instagram but thats not foolproof either so I guess you have to go with gut instinct and common sense to identify the many fakes on Badoo.

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