If I print a novel using Blurb and BookWright, can they later print, redistribute or sell my book without my permission? Do they own any rights to my book?

asked by Bobby C. on 1/4/16

1 Answer
Thumbnail of user laneyp

You still own rights, and they do print on demand. When you say later, I am not sure if you mean when ordered or different. However, they are a rip off and treat sellers/authors like you are stupid. I have for 3 years been trying to publish with them and never got answers to my questions. I had to get an employee to contact them who had patients with their stupidity. I asked where else do they send it besides Amazon. Their response "Amazon and so forth." No Kidding! As far as ripoff, in order to make $1 in royalty for each book, the price has to be $61! My books are not textbooks, which it would be a great deal on. They are everyday self-help or educational and only 100+ pages. The same thing on Amazon, if I got there directly, is less than $10. On Amazon $10 is considered a high price for it. STAY AWAY! With over pricing and rude people, you will not make money even if you do get it published.

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