asked by
on 3/9/23Hi! We don't sell anything! We scour the internet to find the best online deals and we share them with our readers. When you click a deal you are taken to the retailer's website where you make your purchase directly from them, not us. So if you find a Macy's deal on our site that you are interested in, when you click "Check It Out" you will be taken to the exact product on Macy's website and from there, your transaction is handled 100% by Macy's. We just share the deals but we have nothing to do with your purchase itself. However, we are always here to try to help if you run into issues so feel free to reach out anytime.
Shipping restrictions and options will vary from retailer to retailer. You will need to contact the retailer where your purchase is being made from directly to find out their shipping availability. Some retailers do ship internationally but some do not.
Hope this helps!