I was a member of charmdate until they over charged my bank card now my bank is charge back those charges. I have moved to a new bank card and charmdate will not accept it,
So now when i was planning to come to Kiev and ask Vitalina to marry me! I am locked out, I do not know what to do? I will surely lose her now after looking so long!

asked by Edward F. on 4/8/16

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user williams328

Any positive feedback here about Charm Date is a complete lie. Don't believe anything.

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Thumbnail of user davidh536

My point of view is quite simple Ed. In my profile I have added that I am gonna refuse to accept sexual notifications (simply most of they ladies try to hook you up suggesting very explicit sexual intercourses), that I'm not up to maintain any given lady because I'm a humble hard-working guy (whether it is true or not; if they lie, I can do it much better) and they wanna get a VISA that they better get a job in the country were tou live. It is amazing though, as they have told you, the bunch of scammers exisiting in the site. In my case, I'm Spanish and how many times I have received messages such as "now, I'm in USA, can we meet for sex?". Sorry, mate, but that is the way the site and the ladies in it work (or try to work us out).

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Thumbnail of user torbjornl1

I am so sorry for you Edward but i am afraid that is just the way this idiots are operating just at a critical point they find an excuse for cancel the realationship in one way or another. This ladys are just fakes and cheaters and they are just after our money and most of the times if not allways nothingelse. It has happend tome as well, but that time they lady find another excuse at a critical point. And you sould know what is dicided by the site is most probably the same brain as the lady. I had once one long very hard argue with an administartor until a friend of mine had the brillaint idea to understand that i was actually arguing with the ladymy argue was about. Don`t believe anything about this criminal betrayders. They should be in jail all of them for the rest of their time!

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