Questions & Answers

Well I must admit I had my doubts from the start. My brother works for the UK government and he told me NOT to bother. He shut down 231 sites last two years and 5 of those were dating sites! The girl I really like on here is too good to be true. But we shall see? WONT WE COOKIE p602501 yes iam VERY doubtfull but not upset as I have a plan. I think HITLER had a plan too. Haha. Yours MARK WATTS

Asked by Mark W. on 12/5/2014

9 Answers
Robert J.6/22/2015

I found a lady 12 years ago and when she came to US after a couple years my family was telling me she married me for my money and was going to divorce me after her Green Card. Today we have been married 10 years and she was a wealthy Chinese College Professor who spoke good English. Today she makes more money than I do as a Regional Manager of several Panda Expresses and we have a great relationship. She is happy because her Chinese husband cheated on her and she only wanted a man to love and cherish her for who she was... Yes, 10 years marriage now.
Brad L.4/19/2015

I wrote to 15 girls in Chongqing and let them know exactly where I would be staying and when I would be there. Guess how many showed up during the two weeks that I was in Chongqing?

ZERO - Enough said
chim c.4/2/2015

I wrote to my wife for almost three months, and she had a beautiful profile, but I also knew from travelling in china that the pictures were airbrushed and not always what you see displayed. I went to china and saw my lady and we got married. I visited the agency many time, and the owner was always very friendly. While I was there one day I saw the man who was the interpreter for the letters go down a list of men who he was finding on the site that were registered. He was sending a letter to each one of them for a lady, it was then that I watched closer and saw that the lady in fact was not writing the letter but the agency. After we left I set down with my wife and told her what I had seen, and she told me what was going on. Each lady signs a contract with the agency and if the agency finds her a husband, she is to pay the agency 40,000 RBM. I kind of let it go for a while, but went back to the site to get a particular picture of my wife that I liked. I noticed her profile was still active and that I even had received a EMF letter from her. I knew this was not the case because we talk on QQ twice a day. When I confronted her about the profile, I could tell that something was upsetting her. She finally told me everything that the agency was doing. The agency was still using her profile to lure men for writing letters and also two men had come to visit her after she had gotten married to me. She did not meet the men, but the agency gave an excuse and then tried to fit the men up with other ladies. There is no question that my wife loves me, and she wanted to tell me but the agencys really hold things over these ladies. We finally have gotten her profile removed with a lot of threats to chnlove about their fradulent agency. In fact the agency called my wife and was very mad that I reported them and made a lot of threats to her and said they would embarasse her and her family if she continued telling things about the agency. We only have a few more months till she arrives here in the USA, but I would like all the men to be aware of the scam that is going on with the agency. There are some legitimate agency in china. One word of advice is go to an agency and meet the different ladies in the agency and make your selection there but not by writing, because you may not even be getting letters from the lady but the interpeter. By visiting you at least get to see the ladies and know what you are dating.
Mark N.8/4/2016

Good to hear...

Ian R.8/18/2015

They will not come to you. You have to go to them, Be careful as I have heard some may not be there when you get to China. Some are scams. Chnlove is only interested in making money not really helping you. I have been using the website for 4 years and am still single.
Tim O.7/26/2015

I feel that I have also been duped from this site. "Melody" was immediately telling me that I was the "one" and constantly sending positive letters with photos. I kept asking for personal information, and if I got any, it was usually pretty vague. She sent many photos that were natural, so I don't doubt that this person exists, but I told her several times to only send one per letter, as the second one burned up my credits. She also began sending two letters per day, with very little variance between letters. I sent an assortment of different letters trying to get some kind of normal response, but most of them didn't change her style of replies. She would acknowledge certain things that I had included in the previous letter, but then go back to the same drivel as before. I finally told her that I didn't believe she was sincere and wanted her to send me a photo holding my name and date. After not hearing back, I filed a complaint with the site. They gave me the same story that they give everyone, that they can't control what the ladies write, or their practices, and that they only provide the service of communicating. I replied that I believed that I was communicating with one of their employees and that they were scamming me. Their next reply was that "Melody" wanted to answer me directly. She apologized saying she was out of town visiting a sick relative and had no access to the internet. She sent a photo of herself holding a card with my info on it. The funny thing is it was printed info from a printer, not hand written. This is not the kind of thing you would be able to do unless you had access to the company files. Also, during this time I noticed she was on the site daily, even though she had no access to internet. I wrote back telling her that I wanted a hand written note, and that I had seen her on the internet. She then sent me a photo with a hand written note and explained that she was on the internet for work. She didn't realize that I was talking about her online presence on the site. I had also told her in the previous letter that it would be my last letter to her on the site, and asked her to join me on a legitimate site that I had since found. I have heard nothing from her since. After telling the site that I wanted all of the money back that I spent on "Melody" since I believe she was a scam, they offered to refund my remaining credits because I filed a complaint with Visa, and they were holding payment. I replied that I wanted it all refunded and am waiting for their reply. If you go to a legitimate site, you only pay a nominal fee, and you receive believable letters from average women. They don't immediately tell you they love you, want to support you financially, send nothing but positive spiel. They are cautious, send short notes, and are willing to communicate through other means. But as part of the fee, all letters are interpreted free, your chats are free, you have the option to check their IP address to confirm there are in the place they claim to be. The site also weeds out scammers, the majority of who are trying to lure people to scam sites. The owner of the site posts letters and blogs, as well do others from the company, and members also. They offer all kinds of info for people interested in dating Asians, and vise versa. There is no doubt in my mind that this company is legit.
Antonio S.5/18/2015

I would like to thank you for the answer with regards to the lady's in question. I have been communicating with a lady that I will be visiting in June. That answered my question of who is writing these letters. I to have so much negative remarks about their true intention of loving a western, so I let a friend talk me into letting him write a fake profile. She reply or I thought she reply Because we could not retrieve the answer to the profile. The only conclusion I could come up with, she was not telling me the truth. She found that they to were still using her profile to cat fish other men. I still had my doubts until I read your answer. Now I will have to apolize to her and eat a lot of crow. I hope that She forgive me for not trusting her. Thank you again. Sorry not a question.
WeiMing L.4/22/2015

Hi Brad L,
It is Weiming L,
It seems we guys have been sucked in by the same companies. I too went to a few sites and got absolutely nothing. They just suck our money from our bank accounts, that's all. Don't trust these sites. I think us guys should start doing something and get together and share information about these scam sites. We should help each other. I am trying to see how many guys i can contact here - right here in this site. All of us guys then share our experiences and get together. We share our information and help each other. We then help each other avoid scam sites in the future. I am hoping as many guys as possible will group together and we all help each other.
Remember this, helping another guy like you and me avoid another obvious scam is saving him his money.
Care to get the information out to as many guys as possible?
Lets start now. Guys, everyone in here who have had the same experience. Let's work together and help each other. I wonder if there is a way of preventing the next guy from falling into the same trap?
How about all of us guys in here get together and help each other?
I wonder what everyone thinks about this?
Guys, lets start communicating with each other and do something.
It is time we said enough is enough.
Weiming L

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