Questions & Answers

is the $100 cash back coupon really real? I got one today for JC Penny.

Asked by Anja W. on 2/16/2018

6 Answers
Robyn H.4/1/2018

I purchased 75$ from jcpenny after i won offer and eas directed to jcpenney made my purchase according to rules and did not get check back. Also if you question any of their practices they deactivate you. Horrible customer service
Brittany A.8/21/2018

Did you get your cash back? I got the same but for Carters and they came up with a bunch of excuses on why I didn't get my cash back.

Yes it is really true. This is a really good legitimate company. They get deals based on numbers.
Pam P.4/16/2019

I hope it is, as I'm getting ready to try to use one. If it's not, people should take to Facebook and other social media sites to voice their complaints. That said, I have thoroughly read the rules (including your cookie settings have to accept 3rd party cookies), so I have changed that and done everything that the requirements state. There won't be any excuse on their part to not let mine go through! Sorry for those who had the bad experience and sounds like their 'customer service' could use improvement!
Fred L.8/21/2018

Run, Anja, run! Don't fall for this. They don't honor those clicks and will send you emails with all kinds of bullshit excuses, for example: "As a reply to your emails, unfortunately, it was reported to us that your order was credited to a different website and not Like us, I'm sure you'd love to know who got credit for your order, but Overstock has a strict policy of not sharing this information with us. I'm sure you're frustrated, but please know that CouponCabin shares this feeling with you as we didn't receive our commission for your order either."
Sam J.2/19/2018

Hi, Anja. Yes, these offers are for real! First, you must have an available Members Only offer claim available. After signing into your CouponCabin account and after the $100 offer goes live at the designated time, please click "Claim Bonus" which will then save this cash back discount to your account. Please note that these offers are of very limited quantity and in great demand, so once the offer goes live, they may be claimed very quickly. If you successfully claim one of these $100 offers, please then click "Activate Offer" at which point you'll be taken to the store, where you will just shop as you normally would. It's important that you make sure to click the "Activate Offer" button after successfully claiming the offer, to ensure that cash back is tracked correctly. This $100 in cash back will not be displayed during your checkout process but will be added to your CouponCabin account within 6 days of your purchase, once the store notifies us of your order; we will send you an email with the amount of pending cash back earned.

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