do the women have to pay to read the emails from men

asked by James G. on 2/15/17

8 Answers
Thumbnail of user jessicat184

Yes, I am a woman, I had been on the dating. Communities website for almost 3 months, I know very well as after they sent the email, I have to pay 10 credit to read each email. Even pictures, photo, video clip. If they are real why after chatting for months we already talking about marriage and still they refused (not one but 4 men from that website) to give real contact, email and wechat ID. In China wechat is very common even 80 years old have wechat. The men on thus site all claimed too old for wechat. That is really wired. Please be careful, those who said good review here, may be also their people. I am one of the victim who lose 5000 USD. I knew better.

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Thumbnail of user luckyc6

Hi, i registered in today
I sent a message once then after that, it does not allow me and the site wants me to subscribe before I can reply

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Thumbnail of user jamesp284

No they do not have to pay one red cent to do anything on this site. Completely free for the women.

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Thumbnail of user barbarai12

Yes they do have just paid £19 for 20 messages and that to reply. I think this site is fake. Why are all the men fitness traners and models

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Thumbnail of user livias4

Yes has to pay to read emails and to send emails and to open pics and all

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Thumbnail of user an130

Please how can i cancel my subscription. My first subscription i was charged five times in a roll... thats cracy and a big scam.

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Thumbnail of user lovettas1

Women do pay. But since I registered on this site, I have been very careful. I could received 500maile day. The first thing I did was to open a different account from my private account to try it and see. I open a new account with Only 20 USD inside to try it and see. But before than I put out my email address and phone number. Yet no body called me. How can some who claimed to be very serious for wife, view your profile, and can't email you directly? However, I do notice lots of reapeated messages. It's lastly amazed me when one of them send me mailed, and later I got another email from this same preson with different name. It's seem crazy. But to be very Frank, I have not allowed them to steal my money. Not even my 20 don't give them your presonal account. Open new account with small money in it. But the way email come on a daily basis, it's seeing fake.

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Thumbnail of user dukeb34

Some women are paid members and do have to pay all the fees that men pay. But many, if not most women on the site, are paid to work the site and engage men in chat, letter writing, gift buying, photo opening, etc. They have paid men to do this to women. But trying to find a woman or man that's truly there to meet someone in person and date is very difficult since there are so few and extremely expensive.

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