Questions & Answers

How many auctions has player won as a member

Asked by John V. on 4/30/2015

8 Answers
Kerry K.5/1/2015

Thats a hard question to answer, because it depends on the article, and its value. I will say I have won some great Articles, and lost many, maby more.
The more valuable the article the harder to win.
Personally, I gave up on Deal Dash due to the BID STOMPING and Jumpers and the gready nature of some bidders, who stockpile bids.
Also, even though Deal Dash supposedly has means to catch Buddy Bidding, I myself have caught at least 4 people doing buddy bidding, reported it, and nothing was ever done about it.
Finally I no longer play on Deal Dash, for the reasons I mentioned, but thats my choice.
Its up to you, on what you want to do.
Hope this helps.
Migdalia M.2/8/2019

DD says an individual can win 50 auctions per week. Uncle Tan has won over 9 million dollars in auctions. The other two of the big three have won millions as well Maxwell44 and Texas GMen don't waste your time bidding if you see these names you will not win! Between them they've amassed thousands of bids and will never be banned by DD because it is a perverse partnership. DD KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING! When anyone of them is in an auction only they and DD win everyone else just loses lots of $$
Devin W.9/8/2015

Missy H, you're right it is harder to win auctions now. I guess the good days are gone. Now, you're lucky to win even ONE auction. I am a new member who started playing this month, so far, so bad. People keep bidding on the same item they won the previous day (GREEDY) or people keep overbidding until it reaches retail price. All in all, DealDash is making money hand over fist. That's what's keeping them in business.
Mildred D.5/1/2015

Hi John V, I personally have won 24 auctions since I joined. I enjoy Deal Dash, Yes there are stompers, but they can use their bids all they want, lets me save mine. Once the price, on the pricier items get up to $5 or $3 whichever applies at the time, then no "jumpers" can jump in and bid, however, there are bidders who bid just once or twice and sit back and wait until it looks like the item will sell, they have saved their bids and will now try to outbid you, that will happen with any auction sight, but I will say I have had excellent luck in getting what I really wanted for some phenomenal prices. I have also received excellent customer service from them, the Homestyles Cabana Banana Bed I won was damaged in transit and DD jumped right in to help and coordinated the replacement and in a timely manner. I have lost money too, it isn't all roses, but I will continue to buy on DD, I enjoy the gamble, the challenge but mostly I LOVE the amazing deals I have gotten, I am able to purchase things that my income will absolutely not allow me to have any other way. I hope this helps you. Good luck.
Christin K.8/11/2015

I joined in2013, & have won@ least, 315 times. But, there are only So many T. V. s U need! I've won tons of baby items I needed, before people noticed that they had this stuff- a Fisher Price Papasan swing w/ lites, ect for $2.25!
Mona G.5/6/2015

I also have to say it is a hard question to answer. I have won many, but have lost way more. There is really getting to be too many bidders on this site and it is very hard to win anything. The only good thing about it is if you bid and loose, you can buy the item and get your bids back. I do this a lot with gift cards, because I can always use them. I hope this helps a little bit.
Pat M.5/4/2015

I have been on site many times but as of yet to win a auction, take that back I won a burger king $10 gift card for. 01 but they offered me bids and I took that but that is it.
Missy H.5/1/2015

I have won 173 auctions since I started. Have been on & off the site due to finances. But have noticed that it is getting harder to win auctions. I will continue to bid because I like the gamble.

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