If you bid on something and some one esle win do you lose that bid money

asked by william s. on 11/28/15

5 Answers
Thumbnail of user davido9

Hi William. If you do not win an auction you will not automatically get the bids back to your account. You have the option to use the Buy it Now button. By using the Buy it Now option you will get the item for retail price and all bids back to your account that you used in the auction. Users who take advantage of this option usually have a better experience, since they both get the item they initially wanted, as well as retain all their bids.

If you do not want to use Buy it Now you will unfortunately lose the bids. We recommend our users to bid on items they really want, so that if they lose the auction, they can still get the item and their bids back.

Let me know if you have more questions!

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Thumbnail of user vanessaj8

Yes, so its not like actual bidding. You have to buy bids and if you dont win you don't get the bids back. There is a lot of junk on the website that people bid on because they can trade their winning for more bids. It's a waste of money because the people who have been on the site for a long time have 1000s of bids stocked up so your 300 bids for $40 is nothing.

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Thumbnail of user lynetten1

An advise for u is that if you win do not trade your winning item with Bids, because you will end up loosing everything. I usually bids really early in the morning or work hours.

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Thumbnail of user dannielles


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Thumbnail of user rebeccap40

Yes unless you buy the item at retail price then you get your bids back. But i think that the whole idea of deal dash is to get things below retail at a good deal. I'm done with deal dash.

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