Questions & Answers

why do they have such terrible reviews about customer service ? I was going to go to the store on Tuesday but am having second thoughts. I haven't been to a Dillards since 2011. We have never had one near us and now its 2 hours away so UI was thinking I would go. Please tell me your return policy. I am dieting before my son's wedding and if I lose the weight I may want to bring it back to exchange for a different size. Is that possible?

Asked by Michelle H. on 6/4/2017

1 Answer
cynthia n.2/20/2020

I don't know about their in-store customer service, but the phone representative I talked to was snippy. As far as their return policy, for online purchases, just be sure not to use PayPal because they won't refund it and don't tell you that when you order. You have to find out the hard way, when you get a "gift card" in the mail.

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