Questions & Answers

Why have my posts been removed?

Asked by Margaret B. on 8/18/2016

4 Answers
Cheryl N.4/18/2017

I believe our posts get removed and we get banned, even called retards from moderators--of whom you would think would act more like the referee and not the instigator--because each discussion has an agenda. As long as you go along with what everyone else who is still in the discussion is saying, you are fine. However, dare express an alternate opinion--of which you may not even realize you are doing--you are told you are trolling (which means you are purposely writing something meant to cause disruption). Therefore as a troll, your post is removed.
If you then ask why your post was deleted, you are now called a retard and are banned from the discussion entirely. And when you become confused as to what just happened for no reason, especially after a moderator who uplifted several of your opinions disagreed with one and simply deleted it, you finally find someone in Disquis management. It is then you are told to take it up with the moderator who banned you or another moderator on the page. You are also told the moderators have free-run to delete anything and ban anyone they want to and that management WILL NOT step in or interfere with a moderator's decision, even if that moderator is belittling you and is cursing at you.
Finally, if you decide to appeal to another moderator thinking you will get a rational response, you are told you "threatened" the moderator who banned you because you went to management. Then are you threatened with getting banned completely off of Disquis for life?
It's as simple and as ignorant as that!
Georg D.9/9/2016

Disqus is anti free speech. They especially don't like you mentioning the zionist nwo and the foreign influences on usa politics.

Jeff S. Your definition of 'hate' is subjective at best. Anger is a gift and I freely and proudly hate censorship. Cheryl N, great commentary. It's called shadowbanning and blocking. What people may not understand is that if one moderator somewhere hates on a poster, subsequently blocks that poster, they can retroactively remove all previous commentary ever posted. Hows that for a powerful tool to censor; Not just wiping out an individual statement and membership, but completely erasing all record of that individuals contribution.
Jeff S.11/21/2016

Biased moderators that listen to the wrong people and not the TOS.
Good thing is, is that Disqus is banning people and Deleting Channels that hate.

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