I am 65 and am looking for someone 50 ish. Is that possible or are there restrictions on age recommendations

asked by Joey S. on 10/1/16

5 Answers
Thumbnail of user tiodosor

Yo Rob k, I'm 59 and do not appreciate your bingo comment

Tiodoso Rivas

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Thumbnail of user robk55

You could go to bingo and see if you meet someone there.

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Thumbnail of user anona24

E harmony is a joke no matter what age you are, the site is a fraud

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Thumbnail of user annes89

I have checked out numerous senior dating sites, read reviews, most bad. I check out eharmony and see its the same as all others, reviews that is. Go sit on a park bench, better chance of meeting someone there.

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Thumbnail of user charlesm145

Please avoid eharmony. It is an awful business that primarily wants to take your money thru a combination of glowing ads and PREDATORY business practices where they increase monthly rates and make it very difficult to stop automatic payments. The worst experience I have ever had. Please have enough self respect to say no to this unethical company

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