how detail are these manuals? are they like a factory manual?

asked by ciro c. on 4/30/19

4 Answers
Thumbnail of user chodi

Yup, like the factory manuals indeed, if not better

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Thumbnail of user simchak

Total scam.
This is how it works. They claim that they have all these repair manuals. They even show pictures of step by step instructions, never mind that its the same instruction for all their manuals. After the payment has gone through they send you a zip file with a bunch of free media the manufactures send anyone for free.
Try to get the money back. They claim that they can't offer refunds because you already downloaded the product. True I downloaded a product, though not the product that was promised.
Their phone # doesn't work. I've been emailing them back and forth and they wont own up to the scam and refuse to refund my money.

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Thumbnail of user summerr27

THESE ARE USELESS. They want you to download a malware program that will "unzip" the file then you have nothing and no way to reference items

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Thumbnail of user davidc2237

It's a scam to get you to download some bogus software and install it on your computer. Don't fall for it.

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