What is the special gift that they offer when you refer your friends to Farfetch?

asked by She M. on 1/24/16

4 Answers
Thumbnail of user farfetchc

Hello She, thank you for writing. Our Refer-a-Friend program reward alternates between 10% discount and a 50 USD gift code. The rewards are chosen at random. For full details on our Refer-a-Friend program, please consult http://www.farfetch.com/refer-a-friend. Warm Regards, Farfetch

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Thumbnail of user renaf46

You get 10% off for you, and 10% off for your friends.

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Thumbnail of user lilat2

10% that sometimes works and others doesn't. You get tired of alternating between their name, code and email (I think those are the 3 choices) and give up.

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Thumbnail of user jessyw8


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