Floryday Questions & Answers

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Here’s what consumers have asked with answers from Floryday staff and previous consumers.

668 questions answered
18% answered in 1 day

How can i return some clothes and shoes to you? and also get a refund back to my card??


Thank you for your review. Please take our deepest apologies for all the problems you encountered. We didn't put the return address in public, since we have many return wareshouses all over the world. Our customer service team will confirm it and provide the corresponding address after customers contact us to initiate the return or exchange process. We will try to find your order number to contact you. Or please send the email to feedback@floryday.com with the title" sitejabber+ your order number ". Our Customer Service Team will handle it promptly and find the best solution for you. Best regards, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

I need to return a dress and can't find the form they say i need to fill out. please contact t me asap.


Thank you for your review. Please take our deepest apologies for all the problems you encountered. We didn't put the return address in public, since we have many return wareshouses all over the world. Our customer service team will confirm it and provide the corresponding address after customers contact us to initiate the return or exchange process. We will try to find your order number to contact you. Or please send the email to feedback@floryday.com with the title" sitejabber+ your order number ". Our Customer Service Team will handle it promptly and find the best solution for you. Best regards, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

Como regreso 3 vestidos que recibí ayer 29 de julio mi número de pedido es 2670576925. sierra gorda 480 méxico


Gracias por tus comentarios. Envíe el correo electrónico a feedback@floryday.com con el título "" sitejabber + su número de pedido "". Nuestro equipo de servicio al cliente lo manejará con prontitud y encontrará la mejor solución para usted. Atentamente, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

Jag vill returnera varor. Åter igen har jag fått ersättnigsvaror som jag inte beställt. hur gör jag?? agneta nordström


Tack för din feedback. Skicka e-postmeddelandet till feedback@floryday.com med titeln "" sitejabber + ditt ordernummer "". Vårt kundtjänstteam kommer att hantera det snabbt och hitta den bästa lösningen för dig. Skulle du berätta för oss ditt beställningsnummer så att vi kan kontakta dig så snart som möjligt? Vänliga hälsningar, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

Returning an item seems impossible let alone a refund, what are you meant to do


Thank you for your feedback. Please send the email to feedback@floryday.com with the title "" sitejabber+ your order number "". Our Customer Service Team will handle it promptly and find the best solution for you. Would you please tell us your order number so that we can contact you as soon as possible? Best regards, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

How do i return an item and get a refund ?


Thank you for your feedback. Please send the email to feedback@floryday.com with the title "" sitejabber+ your order number "". Our Customer Service Team will handle it promptly and find the best solution for you. Would you please tell us your order number so that we can contact you as soon as possible? Best regards, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

What is meant by the item code


Thank you for your feedback. Please send the email to feedback@floryday.com with the title "" sitejabber+ your order number "". Our Customer Service Team will handle it promptly and find the best solution for you. Would you please tell us your order number so that we can contact you as soon as possible? Best regards, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

Jag vill returnera varor, hur gör jag


Tack för att du kontaktar oss. Det är synd att veta vad som hände. För att hjälpa dig lösa problemet i rätt tid kontrollerade jag det med vår chef och vi vill återbetala dig. Vänligen ange beställningsnumret du nämnde. Du kan kontakta oss via feedback@floryday.com. Vänliga Hälsningar, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

Que debo hacer para ponerme en contactoy reclamar un pedido que hice hace un mes,por supuesto ya pagado


Gracias por contactarnos. Indique el número de pedido que mencionó y contáctenos por feedback@floryday.com. Saludos cordiales, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

Retour pakket. zendingsnummer. yt2018221266066874. t.n.v. elly. roolvink . hof van knuif 4. 7622 ma. borne.


Bedankt voor uw feedback. Voor bestelling 025174058582 kunnen we een terugbetaling voor u doen (u kunt deze behouden). Vanwege het hoogseizoen zal onze klantenservice u binnen een week antwoorden. Als je het antwoord niet van ons krijgt, controleer dan eerst het spamvenster, als er nog steeds geen antwoord is, stuur dan de e-mail naar feedback@floryday.com met de titel "" sitejabber + je bestelnummer "". Onze klantenservice helpt u snel en vindt de beste oplossing voor u. Vriendelijke groet, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

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Typical questions asked:
  • How long does shipping take?
  • What is the return policy?
  • Where is the company located?
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