Floryday Questions & Answers

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Here’s what consumers have asked with answers from Floryday staff and previous consumers.

668 questions answered
18% answered in 1 day

Vill byta min vara till annan storlek. hur gör jag??


Tack för din feedback. Vänligen ange det specifika ordernumret och artikeln. Eller skicka e-postmeddelandet till feedback@floryday.com med titeln "" sitejabber + ditt beställningsnummer "". Vårt kundtjänstteam kommer att hantera det snabbt och hitta den bästa lösningen för dig. Vänliga hälsningar, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

When do i get an answer to my question njof43@bellsouth.net


Thank you for your message. You can contact us at https://www.floryday.com/about/email.php?type=pre_sales&code=contact&currency=SEK. Due to the high season, our customer service will respond to you within a week. If you do not receive the response from us, please check the spam window first, if there is still no response, send the email to feedback@floryday.com with the title "" sitejabber + your order number ". Our customer service will handle it quickly and find the best solution for you. Would you tell us your order number so we can contact you as soon as possible? Sincerely, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

I submitted a return request. it says to print the lbel. i dont see the label!


Thank you for your feedback. Please reply the email to ask the label again. Or please send the email to feedback@floryday.com with the title "" sitejabber+ your order number "". Our Customer Service Team will handle it promptly and find the best solution for you. Best regards, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

I'd like to return a parcel arrived today


Thank you for your feedback. You can contact us through https://www.floryday.com/about/email.php?type=pre_sales&code=contact&currency=USD Due to the peak season, our customer service will answer you within one week. If you don't receive the answer from us, please check the spam box first, if still no answer, please send the email to feedback@floryday.com with the title "" sitejabber+ your order number "". Our Customer Service Team will handle it promptly and find the best solution for you. Best regards, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

Can't get a order number to send my item back


Thank you for your feedback. You can log in your account and check the status in "My Orders". Or please send the email to feedback@floryday.com with the title "" sitejabber+ your order number "". Our Customer Service Team will handle it promptly and find the best solution for you. Best regards, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

Jag vill returnera best nr 022490546465 och byta till storlek s. hur gör jag?


Tack för din feedback. Vi skickade adressen till dig, kontrollera. Om du inte får svaret från oss, vänligen kontrollera skräppostfönstret först, om det fortfarande inte finns något svar, skicka e-postmeddelandet till feedback@floryday.com med titeln "" sitejabber + ditt ordernummer "". Vårt kundtjänstteam kommer att hantera det snabbt och hitta den bästa lösningen för dig. Vänliga hälsningar, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

Jag fick ingen faktura,jag har ingen beställnings nummer.beth


Tack för din feedback. Ledsen att höra att du inte har fått bekräftelsebrevet. I allmänhet skickas bekräftelsen till e-postmeddelandet du använde för att beställa. Skulle du också kontrollera din skräppostlåda? Du kan också spåra beställningsinformationen här: https://www.floryday.com/se/track-info.html eller logga in på ditt konto och kontrollera statusen i "Min beställning". Skulle du berätta för oss ditt beställningsnummer så att vi kan kontakta dig så snart som möjligt? Eller skicka e-postmeddelandet till feedback@floryday.com med titeln "sitejabber + ditt ordernummer". Vårt kundtjänst team kommer att hantera det snabbt och hitta den bästa lösningen för dig. Vänliga hälsningar, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

Invoice # 2512078490 need to return because of fit


Thank you for your feedback. You can contact us through https://www.floryday.com/about/email.php?type=pre_sales&code=contact&currency=USD Due to the peak season, our customer service will answer you within one week. If you don't receive the answer from us, please check the spam box first, if still no answer, please send the email to feedback@floryday.com with the title "" sitejabber+ your order number "". Our Customer Service Team will handle it promptly and find the best solution for you. Best regards, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

How do i process a return on my order. one dress too big and one is too small


Thank you for your feedback. You can contact us through https://www.floryday.com/about/email.php?type=pre_sales&code=contact&currency=USD Due to the peak season, our customer service will answer you within one week. If you don't receive the answer from us, please check the spam box first, if still no answer, please send the email to feedback@floryday.com with the title "" sitejabber+ your order number "". Our Customer Service Team will handle it promptly and find the best solution for you. Best regards, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

Janine.anffrey@gmail.com je vous ai écrit pour vous demander ce que je devais faire pour un retour et j'attends toujours votre réponse


Merci pour votre message. Grâce à votre e-mail, nous ne trouvons qu'une seule commande en novembre 2019. Avez-vous une autre commande à retourner? Veuillez fournir le numéro de commande, nous pouvons vérifier pour vous. Ou envoyez-nous un e-mail à feedback@floryday.com avec le titre "" sitejabber + votre numéro de commande "". Notre service client le traitera rapidement et trouvera la meilleure solution pour vous. Meilleures salutations, Floryday

By Floryday F.,

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Typical questions asked:
  • How long does shipping take?
  • What is the return policy?
  • Where is the company located?
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