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on 3/6/19They aren't necessarily a scam, but very poor customer service policies. If anything goes wrong with your order, like it did with mine, they just blocked me from their Facebook page so I couldn't leave a review. It's just luck if your order arrives and looks as you would expect and if it doesn't you are out of luck. Just contact local bakeries or restaurants and have them deliver for you, no reason to pay Goldbelly and have a third party who cares nothing about your order throw it around in the back of their truck and deliver it trashed. Goldbelly is unscrupulous and a big risk of wasted money.
Goldbelly's ratings are so high because they don't allow customers to post negative reviews. We've had some success, mostly with baked goods, but it's definitely hit or miss. And when it's a "miss" there is no way to let other customers know. And some items are ridiculously expensive. I agree... better to order directly from the food provider. Goldbelly is just the middle man.