Questions & Answers

Is Grammarly safe to use?

Asked by J J. on 1/5/2016

7 Answers
Rose B.2/16/2016

I agree with everyone else. I have been using grammarly for almost 2 years and I never had a problem with viruses or anything. It is a good product and well worth the investment.
Azucena G.9/30/2020

Yes, it is totally safe for adults and for students attending school.
Gtnm D.3/3/2025

Grammarly Customer Service +1 (8O5) 41O -56OO Phone Number.
Eddie L.12/14/2020

Grammarly is very safe to use.
I've had no issues with Grammarly ever in my life.
In fact, I am using Grammarly right now!
Mehrdad Z.4/9/2019

Did somebody ask himself what is earning model of Grammarly?
To be able to correct or optimize your text... you need to give free your valuable text. Is it a business deal, is it a research document, is it about customer data, is it about strategic information? I would not do that... prefer to have some mistakes in such documents than a much bigger mistake which is giving my data for free.
No way!
karen j.1/7/2016

As far as viruses etc. I've had no issues. Grammarly Support is a nightmare (there is no support) and for editing a manuscript it's useless. I think for basic grammar okay but even then mistakes occur. Good luck!
Ed N.1/5/2016

I have used for several years. If you mean by "safe" an issue with viruses, tracking of users or malware, I have seen no such issues. I do check my computer regularly for these.

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