I see a lot of bad reviews. Is it worth it.

Asked by John G. on 12/24/2015

7 Answers
glenn h.8/2/2017

Not worth it since they updated their interface into an unusable mess. Customer service is awful, stay far away.
Heather G.12/24/2015

Well, I hate to say it, but yes. I have both Hulu and Netflix. At least Hulu comes out with new episodes of TV shows. I find myself using Hulu 90% of the time. I wish they had it set up for individual users though.
David K.12/24/2015

There was a time when I didn't like Hulu. But the way things are going Hulu is getting to be better than Netflix. The image quality is definitely better, the sound quality is really good assuming you have a proper streaming device, TV and home theatre. Personally I would throw down a few extra bucks to get the commercial free version. For a long time I decided I'd sooner watch commercials than pay an extra $5 a month, but since I watch Hulu so much more now it was well worth it. I hate commercials. But in the end it all depends on what shows and movies you like. They don't really have a great selection of movies, Netflix is better for movies, but Hulu has a lot more of the newer and best TV shows out now. And usually has access to new episodes right away. The only things that sucks about that is after a few weeks they usually drop off until the end of that season. So if you don't keep up with your shows you will end up missing episodes. They recently got most of the James Bond 007 movies which is awesome. They stream in HD. The best thing to do is have a look at their selection and see if they have enough content you like to justify the cost. I don't have cable. I hate cable, it's overpriced and I hate commercials. There does seem to be more people that wonder why I prefer Hulu, but its just the better fit for me. I have Netflix and Amazon Video as well and Hulu is my favorite of the three. Also, they have a one month or maybe 90 day free trial. Check it out and see if you like it for free. Just remember to cancel your account before the trial date ends or you'll end up getting charged for the following month. Amazon did that to me, I forgot to cancel and they charged $100 for a full year. At least Hulu isn't that shady.
K S.4/7/2023

No get Amazon prime. Hulu with live tv is close to 1k a year. Prime 139a year
Brittany b.2/15/2019

Nope. Waste of money! I can't get through five minutes of a show without it starting to load over and over
Jenn S.8/3/2018

I think it depends what you are looking for vs. the cost for their different levels of services. Consider how much you really want to watch live TV (like sports) vs. if streaming shows is more your speed, and whether you hate commercials so much that you'd pay $8 every month not to deal with them (almost never). Me, I'm good with streaming a few shows I really like, and I hate commercials, so I pay 11.99/month for streaming, commercial-free. I'm good with that. Note that HULU doesn't have rights to stream many shows, so it's best to check if your fave shows are available on HULU and how soon after airing they are available to stream.
Edwardo B.10/23/2017

It is not worth one penny, unless you like hassles. Everything about it is difficult. With me it dropped off constantly, but never during commercials - isn't that interesting? Actually FREE OTA tv is better than HULU. I won't pay to watch any television with commercials and HULU keeps running the SAME commercials over and over again to the point you want to puke. Customer service at times is atrocious. I have found out that all I really need is Amazon Prime and Netflix to watch everything I need.

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