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I would like to know why support issues are not addressed more timely.
asked by
Kevie R.
on 8/25/19
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I've written Ibotta over and over again but I'm about ready to just quit it. My bank account won't hook up with Ibotta and I'm out over $26. No help
Is anyone else seeing something went wrong and to contact Ibotta care when applying earnings to a gift card? Going on three days, no word back.
How do I transfer my Ibotta money to my bank account? Thank you for this info. Hopefully it's not too difficult…
I read somewhere that I would receive a $20 Amazon gift card for signing up. Is this true?
Is it an international company?
Did not get the amount credited to my account although it said I would. Cheated me out of $3.00.
Why did they lock me out when i went to cash out my earnings
Have you accidentally double charged? I bought something at Walmart and tried to get Cashback too, got charged twice, and have yet to hear back
I updated Ibotta app and the "redeem" button disappeared. What do I do?
Why cat you just take a photo of your receipt and get the rebate for what you bought rather than only getting a rebate for what they decide
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