Why does the Instacart service have 240 single star ratings (horrid, the worst), and less than 20 ratings for all other stars. What is wrong with it?

asked by TROY W. on 12/13/17

4 Answers
Thumbnail of user philipm358

They increase the prices of every item that you order so you end up paying like 20-30% more than normal retail prices.

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Thumbnail of user michaelf1422

Rating shows that Instacart is just a scam, advertising items, which are not in stack and trying to replace items with overpriced.

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Thumbnail of user nicolea120

I used instacart for two years and have watched the customer service decline each time there is an issue or mistake. They're usually pretty good about taking care of common mundane issues like my tomatoes were poor quality or they bought the wrong kind of tea but if you ever have an "other" problem like they've charged you for 2 "replacements" and you actually received what you initially ordered but they wont refund you cause you accepted the order... um excuse me? I accepted and received what I ordered you're charging me for something I didnt receive. Shady shady money grubbing business who dont even care about their customers anymore.

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Thumbnail of user miae6

Personally, Ive never had good experience with this company.
I ordered twice. In neither case was I informed about the replacements. The second time around I got smarter and made sure to mark Do Not Replace on the item before buying.
This helped nothing. The employees added aboiut 15 dollars to my charge.

They will just spring random costs on you, overcharge you AFTER you accept your wrong order, refuse to help.

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