All music are free on here?

asked by Oguntowo P. on 3/31/16

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user jennym6

Forget iTunes. Google free mp3 and tons of sites come up. Be careful though, lots of phishing with those. Do NOT download software. It's not necessary and if the site says you need it, get out. Another easy way is google convert youtube to mp3, find your song on youtube, most are there, and use any number of sites to convert the audio to mp3 versions.

Downloading BTW is legal. UPLoading copyright protected stuff is not. But many of these sites are not in the USA and our laws don't apply.

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Thumbnail of user elizabethw75

Nope! It costs about $10 a month, and if you don't have Mac devices, iTunes is useless and won't honor any deals, but they WILL take your money!

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