Why does it freeze. I can't play video and I have been waiting hours for it to download to my PC

asked by Elsie W. on 1/31/16

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user kizoab

Hi Elsie, sorry for the issues with your video! We had some server issues this past weekend which prompted issues in viewing movies as well as downloading them to your computer. We have corrected this on Monday so you should be able to view your movie now and download it. Let me know if you're still having issues!

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Thumbnail of user kathleenn12

Same here. So far not the freezing part but waiting for my download. I thought all of this was free and I posted to facebook. Well, now it cannot be accessed. I guess they limit it SO I decided to pay the membership fee today so that I could have my video TODAY... 4 minutes long... paid, downloaded, got an e-mail saying I have to wait and still nothing... that was about 2 hours ago! Good luck!

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