Is LilySilk a scam or a legit company?

asked by William D. on 11/30/20

6 Answers
Thumbnail of user amandas1143

The company is real but I have my doubts about the silk, compared to other silk I own it's not even close.

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Thumbnail of user nhilak

I concur with Gem K and Amanda S. The quality is just not there. I've actually purchased better quality from Banana Republic. If you want quality, pay for it by purchasing from a reputable name.

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Thumbnail of user gemk

I agree, I question the authenticity of the silk. I would save your money and buy from a reputable silk provider. My pillowcases haven't even lasted 5 months so save your money and spend it elsewhere.

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Thumbnail of user candacer171

Scam they make profit from posting nice photos but bad quality items

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Thumbnail of user emilys787

I think they are a scam in that they advertise their items as 100% silk and it is, at best, a silk blend.

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Thumbnail of user mirand

The company is real and I have order lot of products, which are really high quality, not only material and design but also quality of sawing. You just need to be carefull how you wash this products, only with special for silk developed detergents, otherwise will not last for long.

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