Lisa A. Romano
Questions & Answers

What made you choose Lisa A. Romano over similar businesses?

Asked by Jessica X. on 7/23/2020

4 Answers
Diane H.7/23/2020

I found her videos on youtube and simply couldn't stop watching them. It peaked my interest enough to take a course. I had just come from Tony Robbins' big 6 day $10k event in Florida - and I got more out of Lisa's online course. I'm not dissing Tony - he's right for some people. But right now, Lisa is what I need. She's no nonsense and has lived experience that she draws from - that is what makes a true Teacher and not someone just giving a course. You need to figure it out for yourself - watch her videos and see if they click with you.
Cambry M.7/23/2020

She made me feel more connected by making me feel like she was directly talking to JUST me. In a world where we struggle with wanting attention and not wanting a specific kind of attention, it was very hard for me to trust what I feel. I no longer feel trapped and this is because of what I learned, and because of what Lisa taught me
Amy S.8/8/2020

In the past 3 years I have encountered several teachers online who deal with the subject of narcissism, narcissistic abuse, codependency, and related topics. The reason I chose Lisa's course is that I found her down-to-earth style very accessible, that she has been very transparent about her own experience and learning, and she treats her process and her knowledge with humility. These qualities resonated with me.
Richard W.1/7/2022

I found/find Lisa's frankness and blend of science and spirituality refreshing and appealing.

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