Hello, I have been looking online and some of your reviews say you are a scam. Whats this website really like?

asked by mellisa k. on 5/13/15

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user gracee8

Melissa K. I don't know what everyone is talking about but my dress came and it looked exactly like the picture. Like Laurie said expect alterations. Eventhough I gave them my height, they still sent me a dress that's 12 inches taller than I am. Not sure what female is 12"taller than 5'6 but that's what I received. Besides the alterations, my dress is beautiful and it's what I expected. I was skeptical as well because of the others review, I took a risk and it was worth it. The dress came two days late but it came.:)


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Thumbnail of user lauriet11

Hi Melissa. I had the same question about Lucy's Dresses. I did order a dress from there and it came two days earlier than guaranteed and it looked just like the picture. It was beautiful and only needed slight alterations (we ordered a standard size). I was completely satisfied with the quality and service. Hope that helps. Laurie

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