Questions & Answers

How to I get them to refund me, when they said i was getting a month free. Of course they have no records of this.

Asked by Dory M. on 9/21/2015

12 Answers
kevin t.9/21/2015

Back in the 1980s, strip clubs were pulling all sorts of over charge and fake charge scams and forcing people tp pay. Here in Atlanta a majpr federal case against the GOLD CLUB brought all that to light and alot of changes were made in the industry...

I BRING THAT UP BECAUSE... these social sites seem to be attempting the same types of scams and are getting away with it.

By U.S. fedeal standars ALL THESE SITES FALL UNDER THE RACKETEERING STATUTE. Unfortunately there is NO enforcement of these laws at this time.

Your best option is to dispute the entire charge with your credit card. They may not want to do this because they are seeing so much of it. BE FIRM AND INSIST IT IS A MATTER OF CREDIT FRAUD.

Also be sure to indicate that you are filling a consumer notice with the Federal Trade Commision (they have online forms for this to keep a numbers count on how many people are affected by these sorts of things.

If you have been a good card holder, you shouldnt have any issues except for 1: ALL THESE SITES ARE NOTORIOUS FOR REBILLING/DRAFTING YOUR CREDIT ACCOUNT.

Derek H.9/21/2015

I am pretty sure will not refund the money. The best bet mentioned above is to call the credit card company and dispute the charge. That is the best advice I have.

Contact your CC company and dispute the charges. Tell them you paid for a specific service and did not receive it. Gather up a bunch of paperwork, write a decent letter of explanation, and be prepared to defend if needed. Basically either will not contest or if they do you'll just provide decide evidence to support your case and hopefully they will side with you.
patrick c.9/21/2015

Sorry no hope for getting a is run by money grabbing crooks
Desiree S.9/21/2015

Sadly it's going to cost you wasted time and psychological energy and loads of stress which will get you precisely nowhere. Unless you have the email that promised you the month for free, it's probably best that you take a deep breath, moan, scream, have a drink or whatever it is that is cathartic for you and move on. As people in the US like to say, "you gonna have to suck this one up." Sad but true... Sorry
Jennifer D.9/21/2015

I agree with Edward. Too bad everyone they've ever cheated couldn't band together to shut them down. Such a scam
Grace M.9/22/2015

When you take a month free, They still want your credit card so they hold you in there and charge you after that. I wanted to cancel after the first 3 mons and even sent them an email to make sure they did not renew me, they did anyway. And mean on the phone about it. They own once they get your credit card and as I stated before they never delete you account or credit card information. It is a scamming site. I had 33 emails from spam todal alone. I had alot of mail when I signed up but no one was up to my expectations. Not my cup of tea. I have no time or interest to constantly meet people who are not at all like I asked. Their matching system is bogus. You get matched just because you both like "one thing" the same. Cray.
I did a background check and a google check on everyone and amazed at the records some of these people have.
I had to call and change my credit card just because of the way they keep it in their files!
david p.9/21/2015

I believe your only hope is thru your credit card provider. If that does not work then I also agree with others who have said you have done your money. In the future you should ALWAYS read reviews about ANY service or product you are contemplating purchasing BEFORE you outlay any money. If they still have your credit card details I would report your card lost and get a new one issued ( which will have a new no.) as I am guessing they will help themselves to some more $'s sooner or later. David
Edward S.9/21/2015

Forget the money... Just tell everyone to boycott the company, and
Someday they will be out of business.
Tony M.9/22/2015

I don't know what to say and I think should be sued for false advertising!

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