I was paying monthly then received my current credit card bill. They billed me $215. When I called to ask why, they said my contract included an automatic renewal of the upcoming year's full amount all at one time. She repeatedly told me it is clearly stated that this payment is NON-REFUNDABLE. No advance warning they were going to do this. I repeated asked that they cancel my account and refund my money, as it was for the upcoming year, not the past one. She just kept telling me the money is non-refundable. This is a terrible way to do business and treat your customers. Has anyone who has had this experience been able to recover their money?
Asked by Theo A. on 4/18/2016
20 Answers
Will C.2/15/2020
This stuff happens all the time on Match, it's all about nickel-and-diming you: adding unauthorized bogus charges, putting you on automatic renewal, auto-subsription - they use all kinds of tricks to milk money from you. There are too many decent and reliable sites with good reputation, like
To stick to Match.com ( they started out as a great site, but now they aren't worthy anyone's time). And what's essential is that they have very few real people's profiles, too many fakes and scam artists from all over the world.
To stick to Match.com ( they started out as a great site, but now they aren't worthy anyone's time). And what's essential is that they have very few real people's profiles, too many fakes and scam artists from all over the world.
Lara W.4/18/2016
I was unable to get a refund but I dispute the transaction and got my money back that way. I said it was because they were not providing the service they claim to offer. If you can dispute with your bank just tell them you didn't authorize the transaction and the company refuses to refund you. Good luck.
brian b.4/18/2016
I would only join if I would not be auto rebilled, so they told me how to switch off rebill which I did right after joining. Well after my 3 months they had auto rebill switched back on for me. I fought them and had my bank BofA go after them. Don't open another email from them if you are fighting for your money back. They are crooked and very hard to get your money back. I think allot of accounts are not real or girls are no longer with match. Let as many people know about what they did to you. I did three sights and the BBB. Match is known for this B S.
Regina A.4/18/2016
Hey Theo, unfortunately, it seems to be the way match does business. They charged me fraudulently as well. When I set up my account, I purposely checked that I did not want my account automatically renewed, therefore, not giving them permission to auto bill me. They billed me anyway. I called and was told I didn't cancel my account so they billed me, even though I wasnt using the site at all. That is illegal since I didn't give them permission to do so. After getting no where with them, I called and disputed the charge. They also canceled my card and reissued another one so they could not bill me again. Good luck. Match is nothing but a manipulative company who basically steals from people. Worse customer service I have ever seen in my life. I will NEVER use them again and will discourage anyone else from signing up.
Carl C.4/18/2016
Hey Theo, first thing you want to do is go over this contract with a fine toothed comb! See where if at all it talks about an auto year renewal paid all at once. In any case contact your credit card company or bank. Send them your requests for cancellation and refund and dispute the charge! You signed up for a monthly plan not a yearly! The bank or card issuer will give you a temporary refund of all disputed charges! Most over seas billing companies wont respond to the card issuer knowing they have commited some type of fraud. They try to scare you into not disputing charges like these. But you have $300 on the line. They may have to cancel your card and send a new one to prevent futher charges. I won two disputed charges like this. One of which was Match.com
patrick c.4/19/2016
I contacted my lawyer who in turn contacted the bank they blocked match.com or should I say scam.com from accessing my bank account, the site is worse than the mob
Misoltee G.4/19/2016
Hi Theo, call your bank or credit card company. I had the same problem and couldn't get them to give me a refund. My credit card company opened a dispute and gave me a credit. Match issued the credit after my credit card company contacted them and I finally got my refund. Match is an unprofessional company which is why i will never use them again.
Paisley-girl n.4/18/2016
I had to cancel my card. I was advised to do this by a friend who had this problem. If you cancel the card they cannot get any more money and it is your money they want. Customer service non existent.
Danielle O.4/21/2016
Nope. Not even after writing the CEO. Match actually told me I needed to wait 60 days while they decided whether on not I had "made a mistake" when I accidentally clicked the year subscription button and when I called them back they said it was too late to credit back my account. Unbelievable. I've actually recorded feedback from other members who are in the same boat as you. I cannot believe a company would advertise like they do and then be so, in my opinion, negligent to its members. People need to know.
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