Anyone use the NutraTherm? My first bottle arrived and with the only instructions being "Take one capsule twice daily, preferably with meals," I'm not sure if it's a good idea to take at my night time meal. Will it keep me from sleeping?

asked by Susan S. on 3/1/16

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user johnb504

My wife and I have not use this product from Melaleuca yet. I do know if Melaleuca is offering it to us the product is good.

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Thumbnail of user janiceh23

Very unlikely will it keep you from sleeping. It doesn't provide the "jitters" like competing type products. Just give it a try on a night that you don't have too much happening the next day just to be safe. Really doubt you'll have any issues though.

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Thumbnail of user nicoleg56

Since this is stimulant - free, it shouldn't affect sleeping. At least it doesn't for me. I have been taking it for 4 months now. The only thing I notice is if I forget to take it with dinner and take it right before bed instead my stomach hurts a bit in the morning.

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