Questions & Answers

Currently, I am taking drugs for High Blood Pressure and cholesterol, if I start taking Malaleuca Peak performance for Men over 50, will I be able to stop taking the prescribed drugs?

Asked by Andres G. on 12/16/2015

2 Answers
Anita J.12/31/2015

What she said. Your Doctor needs to evaluate your condition, he might decide to take them off, or to change them. If you can keep track of your medical numbers, like blood Pressure, blood levels for many things, then he will see, along with you, that the supplements maybe/are changing things. And do keep track, hard numbers say more than anecdotal information does.
Stephanie M.12/17/2015

You should always take the advise of your Primary Care physician. There have been people who were able to get off their current medication, but I would not recommend doing so without consent from your doctor. Please check out this link and let me know if there is anything else I can help you answer: Happy Holiday's to you :)

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