Has anyone actually received a refund?
And what is the custom charge all about? I don't want this to mess with my credit, but I was completely unaware of this charge before ordering these items. :(

asked by Celia K. on 8/19/15

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user silviaj1

It took me several emails and about 3 months to get refund. I have never experienced this kind of customer horrible customer.

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Thumbnail of user charlottee4

It took 3 months and many many emails for me to get my money back. Each time you email customer service you talk to a different person, so you get different answers and levels of competency each time.

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Thumbnail of user alyssat3

I never was charged a customs charge BUT I did get a refund for my order. It took a lot of persistence and badgering of them and I actually threatened to open a PayPal case as that is how I paid and only then did I get a refund. I think it was about a week straight of emailing them before I got my money back

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