Here’s what consumers have asked with answers from MyCokeRewards staff and previous consumers.
I still buy Coke products... but I've starting buying other brands and now split my Coke product purchases by 50%! If more customers did that, maybe Coke will wonder where their fizz went.
The page jumps around even when you are signed up and only have to click in. Besides being badly written code for displaying the page, I think what is happening is that the site us checking for new offers and updates in a particularly clumsy manner. It is a surprisingly clunky commercial website.
Well B. B., it's like this... Marketing gimmicks that persuade someone to buy their products that turn south in the middle of the game. Nothing like moving the goal post when you are about to score, essentially pulling the rug out from under your feet. Silly? Perhaps, but silly moves to save a couple dollars on Coke's part in paid out products/coupons after the consumer forked out extra money for their product because of the ''rewards program'' that actually rewarded you could irritate some. There should have been a grace period on all the codes collected instead of just ending it and starting something new with the same points system. I was irritated when the cut thew weekly points from 150 to 75... Now this?
The webpage where you sign is is both confusing and jumpy (meaning page elements move abruptly when you click on anything, which suggest poor coding--though I noticed tonight it's not as bad). You need to click in the upper right corner ("Sing In/Join"). That takes you to the Sing In/Join page. If you have joined and used the same browser, your username and password (covered by dots) will be displayed, so you just need to click on the Sign In button/bar. If you are using a new or different computer (like your sister's) you will need to type in your username and password before clicking Sign In. Coke would love to have you sign in through Facebook or Twitter but you don't need to. I don't.