Questions & Answers

After several years and several computer upgrades the family tree builder software on my Windows 10 desktop has started crashing after a few minutes operation, and not saving changes. Can I save my project and reload software?

Asked by Jonathan V. on 5/5/2016

14 Answers
Nissim M.5/6/2016

Dear Jonathan, Yes I have the same problem, I wrote to My Heritage and they have still not responded to my request for assistance. They are highly Sloppy and unprofessional in responding to customer request for assistance. Even though they have and excellent Technical Team. Fortunately I have another Computer with Windows 8 as a result of which I am able to continue working with my Website. But recently a few problems have cropped up with the recent upgrade of the My Heritage Program and have sent in a request for assistance and till today 3-5 months later I have no response. Apparently the company believes that they can play games with the customers. I firmly believe that they have somehow gone into self destructive mode.

Dear Jonathan and fellow users,

In regards to the FTB not working, I may have found a solution, please follow these directions.
Please right click on the FTB icon on your desktop, and click on 'Properties': Once you have opened the 'Properties' menu then click on the 'Compatibility' tab: If the field "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" is checked, and it says below "Windows 7", uncheck the box. Please let me know if this has solved the issue. Should this not work for you then please get in touch with the support team at from your registered MyHeritage email address and a friendly representative will help you at the first available moment. Kind Regards, Dean, MyHeritage Team.
Brian J.6/10/2017

MyHeritage knows about the failure of their backup and restore functions. Their tech support confirms that you cannot backup your work from the program, only the website. BUT! You can NOT restore from either. So your backup is obviously useless. I have been pursuing the issue for almost 4 months, and they have only said 'we'll let you know'. This is a HUGE issue!
Gert P.5/7/2016

Hi Jonathan, Im shure there is a way! Call the Helpcenter from Myheritage they will help you!
ELLIS P.5/7/2016

We love our Windows 7. I presume they're more familiar with the system that they can answer me with solutions. A manager stopped paying his dues which resulted in their "putting a veil" on his pages, where I had typed in all my family profiles, with lots of work on my part. I asked them if all my posted messages can be retrieved and transfer to another's website. They finally saved me from my anxiety about losing the whole work I previously did. I feel like a "winner" now because those pages were saved, thank God.
John N.5/6/2016

I believe that you will only get answers from Heritage once you have signed and paid for their (expensive) services. Unfortunately as mentioned earlier, the Heritage program does have many flaws, and is NOT complete, it seems it was written by an amateur, and now they are upgrading it, but very slowly and not necessarily with importance, they are more into development of online services and databases. I suspect contrary to their photos, the support team is mainly sales, and only 1 or 2 actual programmers.
Graeme O.5/6/2016

I also have had same problems as Johnathon V. Win10 vs FTB is a volatile mix. I sometimes get a immediate failure on start up, I then obtain a fresh new install from MH site and restart the project. This then normally runs well for a week or more. Not good but worth while until the problem is fixed. This works even if the FTB version is the same as that you were already using.
Jim H.5/6/2016

I don't know about trying to save a projects when my computer is crashing. But what I have done in the past is take my computer to Geek Squad located in Best Buy. Currently I am working with Microsoft Technical Support and Codelocke Solutions llc to keep my computer running smoothly. The number(s) that I use for Microsoft Technical Support are 800-642-7676 and 800-936-5700. The numbers that I use for Codelocke Solutions llc are 877-360-8992 and 888-508-8056. They can help with your computer crashing. It seems that you have viruses.
Albert M.5/6/2016

Is the whole database not saved by MyHeritage? The answer should be Yes; so nothing is lost:-) Only the very last changes could be lost or use the istructins of Stephen H...

I have found the support centre really helpful. Your problem could be the numerous Windows upgrades. Old hardware and latest technology not always match.

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