How do I cancel my account? Thanks

asked by Luca F. on 10/2/17

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user davidb800

I actually tried to do this online... and YOU CAN'T - there is no option to cancel, only upgrade! It states to make changes to your subscription, contact them. Well that didn't work either as I was on hold for half an hour before an automated message told me to leave a message. Come on, if you're providing an online service, make sure that what you say you can do, is actually available to do so! Very poor...

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Thumbnail of user patriciac173

Hi Luca,
I will be more than glad to assist you. You may cancel your subscription using any of the following options: over phone on the number: 0808-189-0676, Monday - Friday 8 AM to 8 PM Saturday 8 AM to 5 PM Sunday 10 AM to 6PM or by clicking chat button on our website or from your account- go to settings>subscription>cancel (on the top right of your home page when you login) Thank you!

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