Is Nitrado a scam or a legit company?

asked by Elizabeth S. on 1/15/20

5 Answers
Thumbnail of user peterp545

Legitimate, but their quality of service makes it feel like a scam

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Thumbnail of user adaml723

Legitimate company. Legitimate premium charges. Legitimate below average service.
Legitimate poor quality experiences.
Legitimate incompetence.
Legitimate monopoly.

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Thumbnail of user kollinw

Nitrado is 100% a legitimate business. They provide premium servers at a premium price. You get what you pay for.

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Thumbnail of user chancek9

Well i mean the thousands and thousands of servers they provide kinda holds its own on this question. The situation isint perfect but they do there best

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Thumbnail of user deanr88

Nitrado is a legitimate company. Nitrado is a legitimate company.

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