Are there other similar companies to that are less expensive or better?

asked by Amy N. on 4/15/20

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user oracleq

In today's borderless digital world, Payoneer enables millions of businesses and professionals from more than 200 countries and territories to connect with each other and grow globally. With Payoneer's fast, flexible, secure and low-cost solutions, marketplaces, networks, businesses and professionals throughout the world can pay and get paid globally, as easily as they do locally.

We work under a robust, risk-based compliance program that addresses the regulatory requirements of our services. We also genuinely care about the safety of our customers' funds. Compliance with financial regulations is an integral part of our operations.

We believe that right now we are offering competitive prices for the services that we provide. At the same time, we are constantly working to find ways to lower them.

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Thumbnail of user davids3617

Basically for online businesses, they all have the same basis, I don't know how to differentiate, because they are cents

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