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Hi, I ordered stuff but my package will be send to USA and I live in Qatar doha. Is there away to correct the address. Please help
asked by
Hellen M.
on 12/8/21
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Is customer ink Customer Service Phone Number+1805 41O 56OO?
Why is the sizing so weird? If I shop on any other sites like SheIn, fashion Nova, etc size 2x is my size but seems like it's different on PLT?
How accurate are there sizes
Hi, my question is are the sweatshirts a good material and if they are thick and have a comfy inside?
If you've experienced fleas how long ago was that and how did u deal with that? Like did they give you your money back or?
Hi I am wondering what are most of your clothes made of because Cotton is really bad for the environment and it does not say underneath the items?
Hi, where are MH clothes! They were supposed to be here the 24th and today's is the 28th, never will I order after this!
Ordering from the Canadian site do you need to convert the sizing to uk? Or just order in normal sizing?!
Hi I would like to know is there a customer service telephone number? Also are the US sizes true to size?
How do I contact their customer service??
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