asked by
on 6/29/15We're an authorized retailer of the designer dresses we sell and we do not sell any replica items. The sizing will vary depending on the dress, but there is a size chart provided for each one from the designer. Please contact us directly if you have any further questions!
It depends on what dress you order. If you order a dress that says it is from a Authentic designer than the dress is going to look better than one made by promgirl themselves. In my situation they sent me a dress i did not order, some of the beads fell off but overall it was a good quality dress.
I wouldn't recommend ordering from them at all... The way they look in person is totally different than online.
Yea my dress wasn't cheap at all, it was all polyester and sizing was true to me!^-^
So cheap dresses I will never order again from this site
My dress was perfect and not cheap at all! I was nervous at first but it fit like a glove and was amazing!