PSI Exams
Questions & Answers

How easy is it to get a hold of customer service at PSI Exams Online?

Asked by Jennifer K. on 8/27/2020

5 Answers
Thaddeus B.12/4/2020

May take over 1 1/2 hours on hold with zero contact
Keith G.10/16/2020

It will take hours on the phone if ever. Never received a reply to my email
Ian F.12/6/2020

Awful I was on hold one time for over and hour and when someone finally answered the phone they hung up on me in the middle of my problem. Another time I asked to speak to a supervisor and the transfer put me on hold for 40 minutes. Awful just awful
Mark H.9/18/2020

You have got to be kidding. Customer service? No we don't provide that.
Kim T.5/13/2022

The worst customer service ever. And they don't care how badly they suck.

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