Hi Terry, I would need more information as to what to tell my credit card company inorder to get back my money. Also, won't I be reported for even buying a fake bag while i know they sell replicas? This is the reason why I want my money back. I ordered a bag from another company that accepts credit card. The bag that i received was too bad to be seen with. I emailed them and they sent me the return address to send the bag to. I believe on their website it stated that returned item should be received within 7days. This can never be possible because the cheapest postal rate was 89 dollars and it takes 4 to 6 weeks, the fastest takes 2 weeks. Please i need your advice as to what you think I should do to get my money back. Thanks in advance
Asked by chipsy C. on 6/13/2011
5 Answers
Terry L.1/7/2011
Jessica. Contact your credit card company and follow their instructions to the letter. This is fraud and since Purse Valley accepts credit cards they are bound by certain rules. It will take some calling on your part and a written letter; however, the reps will usually give you their business email and you can track the progress in that manner. I sent the bag back and there is no way they got it in 10 days. Also, it's very important you save copies of the emails you sent them as your CC company will want you to email or snail mail them. I got my money back in full. Purse Valley has to return your money within 30 days or jeopardize their standing with a national/international credit card. I say again, if a company in China took the time to truly make a quality replica with quality materials they would do an amazing business but so far from what I've seen they just cheat customers.
jessica a.1/6/2011
I ordered 4 purses from pursevalley.com. First, delivery was late. Secondly, the quality is inferior. Third, they didn't have one of the purses I ordered so they cancelled without informing me. Fourth, I tried to call, email, and use live chat to get authorization to return the purses (they only allow 10 days for returns AND the package has to be mailed to China!) and they will not return my calls or emails. To make it all worse, I ordered 4 purses so I would get a 30% discount but because they cancelled part of my order and only sent 3 purses, I didn't receive a discount.
The quality of the purses is inferior. I have real Chanel purses and these are not even close. You can buy nicer, cheaper faux purses in L. A. for a fraction of the cost.
I started calling on Jan. 3,2011, and have called 4 times, emailed 4 times, and tried their "live chat" 4 times. I left my number in each case, and I have yet to receive any correspondence from them. I used a debit card to pay so I am very concerned.
I hope this blog prevents others from having the same thing happen to them.
The quality of the purses is inferior. I have real Chanel purses and these are not even close. You can buy nicer, cheaper faux purses in L. A. for a fraction of the cost.
I started calling on Jan. 3,2011, and have called 4 times, emailed 4 times, and tried their "live chat" 4 times. I left my number in each case, and I have yet to receive any correspondence from them. I used a debit card to pay so I am very concerned.
I hope this blog prevents others from having the same thing happen to them.
tiff L.10/28/2010
Terry - Thank you for your feedback. Your feedback is extremely helpful to me. Honestly, I collected a lots of bags but all bags are authentic. I have about 30 bags. I have never buy any fake bag before but I am so in love with the Hermes Birkin bag and I can't seem to pay $10,000 for the bag which is the cheapest one on birkin leather and not to mention, other leather will cost from $10 to 50k. I can't afford it. But I really want a Birkin bag. I thought about buying a really good mirror Birkin bag but hopefully, find a really really good copy that no one can tell. I know there are no such a website replicas bag out there have perfect copy. I think I am on a dream land. If you know any or especially if you have order from them. Please recomended to me. Thank you
Alexis P.9/23/2010
Well, I haven't purchased from there personally, but i researched it and it doesn't seem to be very reputable. They sell counterfeit bags and scam people for their money. =/
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