Questions & Answers

How long before they eat their own? Have you followed the Sockmatician story? He is being bullied for calling for peace and unity among everyone. . .

Asked by Mich P. on 7/13/2019

5 Answers
Kathy F.7/13/2019

I feel so badly for the Sockmatician. All that for asking for peace and harmony. It's pitiful the way that the Ravelry followers are behaving.
Tammy B.7/13/2019

This has nothing to do with Ravelry. Sockmatician is receiving feedback on a post he wrote and then heavily edited.
Mary E.7/15/2019

Why are you posting about that here? What does it have to do with anything?
Sunny O.10/21/2019

Please note - Sockmatician has put up "The Truth" on YouTube. I believe what he says as the leftists are on a search and destroy mission. These people have no problem destroying people's lives and incomes. Yet - they say they are tolerant and love everyone. People throughout the world have to stand up to these people. I'm glad the Sockmatician is back and fighting them.
Teresa C.7/20/2019

By all accounts he was the bully. The man needs serious help with his anger issues.

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