How long before they eat their own? Have you followed the Sockmatician story? He is being bullied for calling for peace and unity among everyone. . .

asked by Mich P. on 7/13/19

5 Answers
Thumbnail of user kathyf286

I feel so badly for the Sockmatician. All that for asking for peace and harmony. It's pitiful the way that the Ravelry followers are behaving.

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Thumbnail of user tammyb261

This has nothing to do with Ravelry. Sockmatician is receiving feedback on a post he wrote and then heavily edited.

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Thumbnail of user marye419

Why are you posting about that here? What does it have to do with anything?

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Thumbnail of user sunnyo7

Please note - Sockmatician has put up "The Truth" on YouTube. I believe what he says as the leftists are on a search and destroy mission. These people have no problem destroying people's lives and incomes. Yet - they say they are tolerant and love everyone. People throughout the world have to stand up to these people. I'm glad the Sockmatician is back and fighting them.

Helpful  (2)
Thumbnail of user teresac229

By all accounts he was the bully. The man needs serious help with his anger issues.

Helpful  (2)

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