Why do you call BIPOC "white supremacist" if they support the President?

asked by Kay D. on 7/13/19

7 Answers
Thumbnail of user dolliec3

Proof Ravelry calls all supporters of Trump White Supremists
Here is the exact wording directly from Ravelry's site. It says, Support for President Trump is support for White Supremacy. Not only do they call over 62 million Americans white Supremists, they also allow projects supporting politicians who are Anti Semitic. Ravelry doesn't ban hate speech, they just ban speech they hate.

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Thumbnail of user tammyb261

They didn't call anyone a white supremacist. The Rav policy equates support for the current administration with support for white supremacist policies. It's perfectly possible to support something and not be that something. For example, I support same sex marriage but I'm not in one.

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Thumbnail of user michp5

So since Obama deported more people than any other president's administration in history.
He deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.

Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders.

So Obama must be a White Supremacist.

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Thumbnail of user milas16

Tammy B, then you have no clue what their new policy is all about.

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Thumbnail of user dorid8

Because they are creating a culture of ignorance and hate in the name of politics.

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Thumbnail of user marye419

Are you confused? Do you know what site you're on? Did you mean to post this blather on Twitter, or Facebook, or your own blog, or just shout it angrily at a cloud?

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Thumbnail of user jenid7

"Support of" does NOT equal "you are". Thanks for the screen cap proving no one ever called anyone any names.

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