Can you share a success story using Remitly?

asked by Maria K. on 3/23/20

6 Answers
Thumbnail of user jennas162

Peace of mind for our customers is the top priority for the Remitly team. You can read about some successful customer experiences on our blog:

Thank you,

Jenna from Remitly

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Thumbnail of user abduli4

I wish I could but there is nothing good to say about a company that exploits and maltreats its customers. Don't live in hope and avoid them. You cannot buy dreams which this Company is busy selling!

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Thumbnail of user carlr372

One time I sent $400 directly to a bank acct and that worked

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Thumbnail of user davidleea

ImageI have used Remitly for small amounts, some very small, about ten times. It has performed faultlessly.

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Thumbnail of user jacobk146

I have lost money with them and customer care is useless

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Thumbnail of user sajids4

1st time it worked fine but not the 2nd time they sent less money. After gaining the trust of the people

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