How easy is it to get a hold of customer service at Remitly?

asked by Betty B. on 3/23/20

4 Answers
Thumbnail of user jennas162


The best way to contact Remitly customer care is on our help center:

Thank you,

Jenna from Remitly

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Thumbnail of user virginiab316

Frankly it doesn't much matter whether you get hold of them or not. Their English is unintelligible and they are as thick as bricks and can only manage scripted responses. ABSOLUTELY USELESS

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Thumbnail of user sajids4

Very difficult. Because of the corona virus situation they are taking advantage of the situation and not having customer support people available they must have made millions of $ by sending wrong amounts to the recipients. I thing this company(bastards)after making lots of money simply will disappear.

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Thumbnail of user kenj226

They are useless
I have waited 5 days for the compliance team to contact me
To explain why my account was suspended
They refuse to give any explanation

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