sure you guys have alot on negative reviews from your customers .. ive been considering this as an outlet to present my band to more listeners .. just on the fence here after reading reviews .. can you make me feel good about this company before i blindly jump in ?

asked by julie n. on 6/10/17

1 Answer
Thumbnail of user simonn30

I never had to pay for anything on reverb for over 8 years. I made top 10 multiple times and had a few opportunities. I'm Dj transaction on this site. It is a legit site. All these negative reviews because everyone here didn't bother do do their home work that reverbnation is actually a tech site not a music site in terms of rankings. This means the rank doesn't represent how good your music is. Reverbnation calculates ranking based on general internet presence aka how many new followers and song plays you got from every other outlet: YouTube, sound cloud, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

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