asked by
on 8/10/15Yeah, if you are looking for crazy drunk high on drugs kind of people and it doesn't matter if you are male or female, after a couple of weeks, if that, they also get this crazy idea that they own you and can control your every thought move and somehow make themselves believe they are not renting a room, but using the web site to find a wife or husband type without the vows! This is not just based on one incident, but an average of 8 years of using the site on both sides. First I was renting rooms and the same applies and then I needed to rent a room which the same description applies. But understand, it is an web site for others to use. The users are the problem, not the site. It is amazing what I have experienced with all of what I said. I would think of another solution if I were you unless you want to learn as I did and I don't think it is a good idea. I would not write this if I did not know it all to well to be 1000% TRUE! I do not understand what these type of people are doing? Maybe they are a little to lonely or because you are renting a room or you need to rent a room that you do not have your own life and therefore they can take advantage of your sanity. I'm not sure, but I sure have had enough of these people for the past eight years that I have moved on to other roommate sites. Guess What? The same thing! Sorry, wish I could give a thumbs up, but No Can Do!
Good luck
I've used Roommate dot com for many years - for myself and for female friends ------- and have found the best people who have rented our rooms. If u have a room(s) to rent, u have to ask many questions on-line: the person's full name, where they're living, type of work they do, which company have they been working for - and which company will they be working for when they relocate. Get their phone #, email address and their pic(s). Their job is key. I never had a problem with a professional: engineer, accountant, marketing people. Best if they graduated college - they're more stable and can pay their rent on time. If u have any negative feelings -- move on! The person has to fit what ur looking for - so u will feel comfortable with the person living in ur house. Of course, the potential roomie also has to feel comfortable. Rents for an apartment are very high today - so many people prefer renting a room. This is a GREAT website -- they're honest and respond quickly to questions.
As the others have said, the company tries it's best to monitor their site. They are responsive to complaints/problems. The basic "untruth" is that you can find a match even if neither person pays. I have yet to find a way to sneak a personal email address into the info that is available for free. At least one person has to pay. I have received and replied to many emails; giving the person a personal email address. I have gotten very few replies. I have had no overt contact with scammers or loonies but I have received emails from people who live 40 miles from my requested area. Their power match feature is not helpful because it only lists maximum rent. So I'm constantly being sent matches from people who want to pay way too little money. I'm looking for a roommate using the most classic definition of the word. 2 people look for a place, sign a lease together, and share everything 50/50. What this site mainly has are room rentals. Often furnished room rentals. (Which brings up another question, what kind of person, aged 40-70, has nothing but clothes? No other possessions?) I've been renting a room, living in someone else's house for almost 2 years. And I'm so over it.
It's a reputable company and site, but they are being overran by scammers. Pretty much every response or contact you get will be from a scammer. The site does its best and warns you which users are scammers. But the problem is pretty much everyone I responded to was a scammer. Defeats the purpose of trying to find an apartment or roommate. Your best bet is to find a licensed broker or apartment finder service that you actually pay only after you make contact and view where you're going to live.